Access Permissions

much appreciated @Kal_Lam

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The first thing I’d do is to check the permissions granted to those users in the Django admin panel.

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i haven’t given them anything in the django panel, which do i need to give? just so the contractors can view the projects, fill in the forms and submit the data?

@ks_1 if you wanna chat in DM i can explain the issues further and discuss the matter and then return here with the solution you found? perhaps

@kh1, having a public discussion would benefit the entire community. Going private is something you may have to do when you need to share confidential matters.

@Kal_Lam yeah i would share the matter once a solution has been identified :slight_smile:

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IF i add all django permissions, contractors can see the form as intended but i don’t want them to be able to clone or have the permissions under more options, so disabling these options? is done? how


As far as I know it’s not possible to disable form cloning and viewing permissions specifically.

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so i cannot disable cloning for a user group and the removal of the shared form from a user with lowest access permissions?

that would be a vulnerability for my company

by adding all of the Django permissions and then removing categories at a time to see which section revealed the forms/project got narrowed down to KPI area BUT these contractors shouldn’t be able to delete nor clone the forms

this is the django permissions the contractors have …


Try this:

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that works, can no longer clone but can still remove themselves from forms

all 4 forms show on super_admin but only 3 on contractor

edit - re added in sharing permissions of the form

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You can remove deletion permissions from the Settings > Sharing tab.

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this is a contractors settings on settings > sharing

but still as a contractor they have this option


remove shared form

Even after changing the permissions for the user to this?

yes that’s all the permissions they have in the django admin area

Is there a way to remove this option at all?


had a chat with my boss yesterday to check in with my progress who wants me to complete this project and did state that, that the option for the contractor to remove themselves from forms needs to be disabled because building contractors and site managers would click these things having the option there to get out of filling in paperwork (these forms)

the plan is also in time because i can see potential that the finance department can get involved in this toolbox also when permissions can be revoked so they can only see what they need to see.

if someone knows how to achieve this please let me know


IF a new role wants these roles but also wants to view submissions they have done and others within the same role which additional permissions are needed? :slight_smile:

what about creating a pop up with text in it to those that would attempt to remove themselves from forms?