Account login issues

Good morning I am writing to ask you for information regarding a new account.
I created an account but when I try to log in it does not recognize the account because it tells me that the email or password is wrong so I click on the forgotten password and reset it but I cannot create the account in this way.
how can i do to solve this problem?
thanks to the availability.

Welcome to the community, @andrea.pauselli! Kindly please be informed that there are two servers (HHI and the OCHA) for KoBoToolbox. If you have an account in one of the server and you try to open your account through the link for the other server, you are unable to login. Thus it’s important that you login with the right link.

For an HHI account, try login through this link

For an OCHA account, try login through this link

I tried both links but neither of them work. could you check if an account really exists? because even when I try to create another one with the same username it tells me that I can’t because it already exists.
Thanks again.

Would you mind reaching us through the following ( email for account related issues?