Choice filter within a repeated group

Dear All,

I am having an error in deploying xlsx form in KOBO Toolbox. The error occurred in choice_filter within a repeated group. The data collection form is designed to collect general training info and detail participant info like training place (township, village tract, village - which are connected with choice-filter, total number of participants - which is linked to the number of repeats for individual detail info in which township, village tract and village names are also asked).

It would be very grateful if anyone could help me in this error.

Han Lin

Hi @hanlinaung,

Welcome to the community! Please be informed that cascading selects works smoothly within repeat groups. However for this you you should have the latest release of the KoBoCollect android app (i.e. KoBoCollect v1.23.3k). If you are not using this version instead using the earlier version you would not be able to do the same.


Hi @Kal_Lam Many thanks for your suggestion. The error I got is at the time of deploying the form in KOBO toolbox website. Yes, I use the latest version of KOBO Collect android version,

The error is
ODK Validate Errors: >> Something broke the parser. See above for a hint. org.javarosa.xpath.XPathException: XPath evaluation: Parse error in XPath path: [instance(‘village_tract’)/root/item[township1=position(current()/…/ ${township} )]]. Unexpected beginning of path Result: Invalid

Could you please have a look at my xlsx form?


Hello Again!

  1. My problem is that when deploying the form in kobotoolbox website, I got an error like ODK Validate Errors: >> Something broke the parser. See above for a hint. org.javarosa.xpath.XPathException: XPath evaluation: Parse error in XPath path: [instance(‘village_tract’)/root/item[township1=position(current()/…/ ${township} )]]. Unexpected beginning of path Result: Invalid
  2. KOBO Collect android application - version 1.23.3k and kobotoolbox website server
  3. I tried to fix the problem of choice_filter within a repeated group. The data collection form is designed to collect general training info and detail participant info like training place (township, village tract, village - which are connected with choice-filter, total number of participants - which is linked to the number of repeats for individual detail info in which township, village tract and village names are also asked).
  4. can you all please provide any suggestion on how to fix the problem as I am beginner for KOBO Toolbox?
  5. testingforsmp