Condition of Calculation

Hello everyone!

I have a problem with this syntax:

if((${miembros_id}=1 and ${miembro_1_confirm}=1), ‘1’ , if((${miembros_id}=2 and (${miembro_1_confirm}=1 and ${miembro_2_confirm}=2) or (${miembro_1_confirm}=2 and ${miembro_2_confirm}=1), ‘1’ , ‘0’ ))

the message is:

ODK Validate Errors: >> XForm is invalid. See above for the errors. : Invalid calculate for the bind attached to “${cantidad_antiguos_m}” : Mismatched brackets or parentheses in expression if(( ${miembros_id} =1 and ${miembro_1_confirm} =1), ‘1’ , if(( ${miembros_id} =2 and [ ${miembro_1_confirm} =1 and ${miembro_2_confirm} =2] or [ ${miembro_1_confirm} =2 and ${miembro_2_confirm} =1], ‘1’ , ‘0’ )) The following files failed validation: ${tmpqu8uwvwn} Result: Invalid

I hope you can help me.


As the error msg indicates, you have a syntax error. You may just count the brackets: You have 6 opening ( , but only 5 closing ) .

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