Creating a cascading select

Hi support team,
I want to ask about nested questions, if the structure is like the following table, how do I create nested questions, with the scenario when the user selects Banyumas sub-district, what appears is the sub-district under Banyumas Regency, and when the user selects Cilongok sub-district, what appears is the village under Cilongok sub-district and so on, the only problem is how to overcome it if there is the same sub-district name (such as: Cilongok, Ajibarang, Purwojati, Mrebet, Ayah, Buayan, Rowokele, Cipari) because I have tried to make it but the arrangement of the sub-district names that have the same name all appear in the nested question structure.
Thank you
Quetion cascading select.xlsx (9.8 KB)

Hi @fahmi_admin,

Can you elaborate on this:

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After arranging all the names then under setting label Column allow_choice_duplicates and put yes under. this will allow you to accommodate Duplicate Values

Hi @fahmi_admin,
Please read the below post. It will help you to solve your issues. If you find any difficulties, Please share the XLS file with us.


@Bulbulrds, :bowing_man:

Hi lawrenceokee
can you tell me the details in excel form? thanks



KOBO 1.xlsx (10.1 KB)

KOBO 1.xlsx (10.1 KB)

Thank you guys, I have tried this and it works, I will ask again if there are any problems. :pray:

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