Does renaming a deployed form affect data

Dear All,

I have a form that was deployed with with brackets and full stop in the title, this is causing me trouble when I download the data and try to process it in another software as it cannot pick up the sheet name properly.

Is it possible to simply rename the “Project name” under the setting tab on kobo toolbox?
Will this affect the ongoing data collection?

Best wishes


Renaming a project name (title) should not affect the downloading of the data @cp622! Maybe it’s something else that is affecting your download.

Hi @Kal_Lam

thank you for your response, I haven’t tried to rename as of yet, I wanted to check with this forum make sure it would not adverself affect the data.
Current project name image
and i wish to change it to image

So you think it should be fine and won’t be a significant change that would require redeploying?

Best wishes


It shouldn’t. Maybe you could check it out with a dummy project (with some dummy submissions) to see the effect.

Dear @Kal_Lam

I have just done as you suggested and tested a dummy file. I uploaded a dummy xls form to kobo server. The “Project name” included fullstop, brackets and spaces. I entered 2 submissions to this version and downloaded it.

I then changed the “Project name” in the Settings tab on kobo and replaced fullstops, brackets and spaces with underscores. I then entered another submission via odk collect.

The form name still appeared with fullstops, brackets and spaces on the app however i was able to submit it. In summary it appears like you though that changing the “Project name” does not affect the data sumbmissions or the downloaded data, except for the filename and sheet name do not have the unwanted characters.

Best wishes


Did you redeploy the change you made in the formbuilder? The other thing is once you made the change, did you download the fresh redeployed form to your Collect android app? Maybe you missed these two steps?

Hi @Kal_Lam
No I didn’t redeploy the form I just saved the changes on the kobo web browser… I didn’t re-download the new form name on the app. For my purposes not having to redeploy or re-download the form works well because there are 28 tablets using the form at the moment, I don’t want to interrupt this process just for a simple rename as the team may have saved forms that need editing and it gets complicated when redeploying forms.
From the test I did and explained the result was suitable for what I want.

If you think I really should redeploy the form and ask the coordinators to download the new form name on their tablets I will, however the less interruption the better…

Best wishes


@cp622, it’s still fine if you don’t redeploy and then re-download the survey form. As that should still not affect your project.