Duplication form

Hello how are you ,i uses web form for collect data the kobotoolbox submission data in external server when download i found the duplicated in submission form if external server offline this problem happen from queued when try to submistion or fro. What plz help me to answer my question

Hi @Noor1
Welcome to the community forum.

I still did not fully understand your query. It seems you are already answering your query when you say

This is not a behaviour that should occur. It definitely seems to be an issue on your server. Could you please provide more information about your server etc.

Hello stephanealoo,
Thanks for your reply

Ok i explain to you i have project in kobotoolbox and share it in external server to recive data in external server by share endpoint url ok so some times my external server become offline so when i check my data submission and downloaded i found there are duplicated in form so i want to know why the duplicated form happend because what the wrong

Hi @Noor1,

Do you see the duplicate data in the KoBoToolbox server as well?

Have a great day!

No just in external server when i open web form from my url share with kobotoolbox

Hi @Noor1,

So in this case it should be a setting that you made for the external server.

Have a great day!

I want to know if the external server offline this effect in data recived from kobotoolbox server or it is not effect cause here the external server recived data submission from kobotoolbox server this is what i want to know if exteral server offline this effect in data when kobotoolbox try to submisstion data to external server ???

Hi @Noor1,
As @Kal_Lam has indicated, this is definitely an issue with your set up to get data to the external server.

I suggest you provide the following information:

  1. What is the external server you are using to get the data from KoboToolbox servers?
  2. Which system are you using to sync the files between KoboToolbox and your server?
  3. Have you ever done this before and it succeeded?
  4. You mentioned that you seem to be getting this when server is offline; have you ever tried this process with the server online the whole time?
  5. When you see the duplicates, what is the trend of the duplicates?
  • Does the server sync the ones that had been synced in the previous round again
    -Does the server have random incidences of the repeats?

Please feel free to use screenshots to make this clear as possible.


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Hello sorry to late answer your quations

Hello sorry to late answer your quations
I suggest you provide the following information:

  1. What is the external server you are using to get the data from KoboToolbox servers? I user server install in Linux centos 7 with public ip and external dns and mysql 8 so install all environment configruation need it for kobo to let kobotoolbox to transfere data
  2. Which system are you using to sync the files between KoboToolbox and your server?
    Mysql 8
  3. Have you ever done this before and it succeeded?
    No this is the first time to do to create external server to share data and transfer from kobo
  4. You mentioned that you seem to be getting this when server is offline; have you ever tried this process with the server online the whole time?
    Am not sure here cause of that i ask you if the server offline this effect in data?
  5. When you see the duplicates, what is the trend of the duplicates?
    I see duplicate in some of forms not all forms
    Does the server sync the ones that had been synced in the previous round again
  • Am not shure but i want to know In case of a external server failure, the background task(Queued)will retry 3 times to send the data (first time after 60 seconds, second time after 600 seconds, and third time after 6,000 seconds). that your data is sent to the external server creation.

I said this let the forms duplicated ??or not ??
-Does the server have random incidences of the repeats?

Hi @Noor1
In summary,

  1. If you have installed KoboToolBox on your own servers. if this is the case, then we should not be having duplicates.
  2. If you are using our servers and simply pulling data from them to another server, then the issue is on how you have set up your “structured query language”. Have you set it up such that it checks for what had already been synced and therefore not sync it afresh? You need to know that if this is not done, then every time the data is synced it will sync again all previously synced data.


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Thank you so much for your support Mr.stephanealoo