Dynamic Data Attachments mobile download form error!

We have updated kobo to the last version so we could use Dynamic Data Attachments , we implement the steps to test this feature on our server from this documentation Dynamic Data Attachments — KoBoToolbox documentation

But when we tried to download this form "Round 2 " using mobile it gives an error:

When we delete the link to the parent project from settings the error is gone .
After investigation, the form is downloaded successfully , but when it tries to download its Dynamic Attachmented Data “https://[HIDDEN]/super_admin/xformsMedia/49/236.xml” of file survey.xml it gives 500 error .

parent file: Round_1.xlsx
childe file: Round_2.xlsx

used versions:

  • kpi v2.021.30
  • kobocat v2.021.30
  • koboCollect v1.30.1

Welcome to the community, @fayez! Have you tried this with one of our publicly hosted servers (either the humanitarian server or the non-humanitarian server)?

Yes , it works at the humanitarian server , but at our server it doesn’t work after the update,
we attached a dynamic data and uploaded a media file to project , it can download the media file but shows a 500 error when attempt to download dynamic attatched data through mobile get a blank form.
humanitarian server:

orur server:

Maybe you will have to check with your updates to get it working then.

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