I cant’t submit form because a error of service. Error 400.
How can this be fixed?
Welcome to the community, @pamela_gi! Is it a new form or is it a form that you try to edit?
Hi, to edit
@pamela_gi, is it an issue with only a single submission or is it an issue with multiple submission for that project?
just this one
If it’s just a single submission, it could be an issue with that particular submission. Maybe download the data and check the submission to see if everything is within the format or requirement?
is within the format, I needed to edit a file to be smaller than 10MB and had this error 400 presented
Hello, any answers? It continues with this same error in other forms and it is not possible to keep asking the user to submit again
@pamela_gi, a quick question. Have you validated your XLSForm through this online validator? The online validator should help you identify syntax issues if any present within your XLSForm.