Error: "KoboCollect has stopped"

I have KoboCollect installed on several Samsung Tab A. There are currently no forms loaded onto the device. When I navigate to Admin Settings>General Settings, I receive an error that reads “KoboCollect has stopped” and I am given the option to “open app again” or “send feedback.” This is the only menu option within General Settings that causes this error. I have logged into the app using two different user accounts and confirmed that the error message appears equally for both accounts when I select Admin Settings>General Settings. I then installed ODK Collect onto the devices, followed the same steps, and was successful in opening the Admin Settings>General Settings without receiving an error message. The reason I am investigating the “KoboCollect has stopped” error message is that I’m unable to “get blank forms” shared previously by me with the user name associated with these devices. I’m troubleshooting all possible explanations, including whether the error message might be related.

Hi @avanal
Could you kindly check with one tablet that if you uninstall KoBoCollect the issue is still there when you install it afresh? Also confirm whether the KoBoCollect app has updated itself. If you encounter any further issues, kindly send a screenshot of what you see.


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