Error while sending finalised forms

How do I solve "Error : Generic eclxception: Error: Request Entity too Large (413)

Welcome to the community, @ekoech! Do you have any attachments with your submission (which you intend to submit to the server)?

Yes, the tool has sections to take photos

How much photos does it capture in one form?


And i had hosted a form that captures 6 photos before on a different kobo account but it was just working.

@ekoech, maybe try reducing the image quality. The image captured should be small, and you should be able to submit it without any issue.

Note: You should be able to adjust the image size from the Collect android app and from the XLSForm. But please also note that this setting will only affect the ones you capture image after the settings are done.

How do I reduce the image quality in the forms the e Enumerators already finalized?

@ekoech, don’t know if it’s possible for that. But for the new ones you could follow my approach outlined above.

Thank you so much

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