Exported attachment filename doesn't match field in Kobotoolbox


Discovered an error. Some recent data uploaded into Kobotoolbox has “:” in the field name, but when the data is exported, the filename does not include the “:”. I do not know if the “:” was added by a user uploading, or when Kobotoolbox saved the data. Attached is a screenshot showing the issue.

Thanks again for such an excellent data collection environment!

Best Regards,

Sorry, @volunteer! But I could not see the : you are trying to refer to in your screenshot. Did I miss anything?

Sorry about that, Kal. Not very obvious. See how in the “Data sheet page 1 PDF” column there is an entry, 8:11 Hoypus-12_17_49.pdf

The lower image is of the expanded contents of a .zip file of the attachments. Note that the name of the file has been changed to 811_Hoypus-12_17_49.pdf. The “:” character was removed from the name.

Hope this helps. I was doing a program that searched for the file based on the name in that field. Easy to fix, but didn’t know if it was by design or a bug.

Best Regards,

So in this case, could you use the file name 811_Hoypus-12_17_49.pdf instead of 8:11 Hoypus-12_17_49.pdf while uploading a file?