Form hang if try to use edit

Hi All ,

when try to edit the form in web a message appears

a webpage is slowing down your browser and it hangs for so long , even if i choose to wait many a times.

for your information choice sheet has 11444 rows .

Please Help

Hi @caneeraj,

Would you mind using select one from external as outlined in the support article here to select a single response or a multiple response and see whether you face the same problem.

Please note: Loading and editing may slow if your form has selects with a large number of choices (e.g., hundreds or thousands).


HI kal_lam

thanks for a prompt reply ,

we want to enter data with android app , but the link refers one noting as below

At the moment, this feature is only available using XLSForms and the data can only be entered through Enketo and is not supported by ODK or KoBoCollect.

any other solution , Please

Hi All ,
Can anyone help please


Hi @caneeraj
Thank you for your patience. As you clearly noted on the article, this feature is supported only for the Enketo form. Unfortunately there is no workaround for doing this on the collect application. This means that if you must use the feature then use the browsers on the phone to access the enketo form. On the other hand if you must use Collect, then you have to forfeit using the feature.


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