Form Logic Error and unable to deploy


The online validator in Kobo dislplays an error message when uploading my xlsform
FormLogicError: Could not evaluate: /model/instance[1]/data/D_pratiques_d_levage/calcul-D-2-1-6-alimentation-bovins + /model/instance[1]/data/D_pratiques_d_levage/calcul-D-2-2-6-logement-bovins + $ {calcul-D-2-3-4-reproduction-bovins} + /model/instance[1]/data/D_pratiques_d_levage/calcul-D-2-4-4-sante-animale-bovins, message: The expression is not a legal expression. (line: undefined, character: undefined)

Also, when uploading in the server I have another error that I’m not able to spot :
Expecting value: line 2 column 1 (char 1)

Thank you !

Best regards


Welcome to the community, @aboon! Would you mind validating your xlsform with this online validator? It should help you identify the syntax errors present in your xlsform.

If you are still not able to solve your issue, please feel free to share your xlsform with the communiy. The community would be able to solve your issue.

could you check if you have a blank/space after $ ( before the {… ).
… + $ {calcul-D-2-3-4-reproduction-bovins} + …
Remove the space.

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Problem solved, thank you very much !

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Yes indeed, space was missing.
Thank you !

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I think space was not “missing”, but had to be removed after $.