Help... Error installing kobo-docker

Good evening,

I’m trying to install kobo-docker but I have a problem.
I installed dockertoolbox on windows 10
I clone the repository (git clone
I accessed the folder kobo-docker (cd kobo-docker)
I renamed the file docker-compose.local.yml to docker-compose.yml
I run the pull (docker-compose pull)
So far so good but when I tried to start kobo (docker-compose up -d) it gives the following message:
"Kobodocker_mongo_1 is up-to-date
Starting kobodocker_postgres_1 …
Kobodocker_rabbit_1 is up-to-date
Kobodocker_redis_cache_1 is up-to-date
Kobodocker_redis_main_1 is up-to-date
Starting kobodocker_postgres_1
Starting kobodocker_enketo_express_1 …
Starting kobodocker_postgres_1 … error

ERROR: for kobodocker_postgres_1 Can not start service postgres: oci runtime error: container_linux.go: 262: starting container process caused "process_linux.go: 339: container init caused " rootfs_linux.go: 57: mounting \\ "/ c / Docker /kobo-docker/base_images/postgres/init_postgres.bash \\ “to rootfs \” / mnt / sda1 / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / 765e44427a2890cc8a7b742c86dba8e9fac96aabd83c7848b87c505e82adc086 \\ “\\ at” / mnt / sda1 / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / 765e44427a2890cc8a7b742c86dba8e9fac96aabd83c7848b87c505e82adc086 / etc / my_init.d / 10_init_postgres.bash \\ “Caused \” \\ not a directory “” "
Starting kobodocker_enketo_express_1 … error

ERROR: for kobodocker_enketo_express_1 Can not start service enketo_express: oci runtime error: container_linux.go: 262: starting container process caused "process_linux.go: 339: container init caused " rootfs_linux.go: 57: mounting \\ "/ c / Docker /kobo-docker/enketo_express/icon_180x180.png \\ “to rootfs \” / mnt / sda1 / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / 469fa54f7cba12741d0e0d5da1517f56206eabdbb618ec99ce5b0f46b23cd8fc \\ “\\ at” / mnt / sda1 / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / 469fa54f7cba12741d0e0d5da1517f56206eabdbb618ec99ce5b0f46b23cd8fc / srv / src / enketo_express / public / images / icon_180x180.png \\ “Caused \” \\ not a directory “” "
Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type

ERROR: Can not start postmaster for service postmaster: OCI runtime error: container_linux.go: 262: Caused starting process container "process_linux.go: 339: init container Caused " rootfs_linux.go: 57: mounting \\ "/ c / docker /kobo-docker/base_images/postgres/init_postgres.bash \\ “to rootfs \” / mnt / sda1 / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / 765e44427a2890cc8a7b742c86dba8e9fac96aabd83c7848b87c505e82adc086 \\ “\\ at” / mnt / sda1 / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / 765e44427a2890cc8a7b742c86dba8e9fac96aabd83c7848b87c505e82adc086 / etc / my_init.d / 10_init_postgres.bash \\ “Caused \” \\ not a directory “” "
Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type

ERROR: Can not start is enketo_express service enketo_express: OCI runtime error: container_linux.go: 262: Caused starting process container "process_linux.go: 339: init container Caused " rootfs_linux.go: 57: mounting \\ "/ c / docker /kobo-docker/enketo_express/icon_180x180.png \\ “to rootfs \” / mnt / sda1 / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / 469fa54f7cba12741d0e0d5da1517f56206eabdbb618ec99ce5b0f46b23cd8fc \\ “\\ at” / mnt / sda1 / var / lib / docker / aufs / mnt / 469fa54f7cba12741d0e0d5da1517f56206eabdbb618ec99ce5b0f46b23cd8fc / srv / src / enketo_express / public / images / icon_180x180.png \\ “Caused \” \\ not a directory “” "
Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. "

What do I do to fix this error?

I’m also having the same issuse can someone tell me how to fix this problem…