Help with Error loading survey: cascading choices can only reference one choice list


I keep getting this error message when I upload an XLSX file, and therefore cannot edit my form on Kobo:

Error loading survey: cascading choices can only reference one choice list

Any help regarding this issue will be highly appreciated.


Welcome to the community, @AbiDe! Would you mind validate your xlsform through this online validator to see if there are any syntax issues in it?

Thank you for your response. Yes, upon validating the form through the online validator I do get 8 separate issues.

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Fix those issues and it should solve your issue.

Here is an example:
[row : 70] Group has no label: {‘name’: ‘SESS’, ‘type’: ‘begin_group’}

This is the message for all issues.

This error message should not affect the xlsform.

I am still getting the same error message. I could share my xlsform with you?

Please feel free to share it with the community. The community should be able to help you out.


Can you first try resolving the error by givin the group a label?


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i have also have the same problem please can you help me to fix it here is the attached link to my xls document because am the new user so i can not upload the file. please help