How do i delete specific records from my user account?

Is there a way to delete related records without clicking the open icon?

Maybe this support article Editing or Deleting a Single Submission should help you solve your issue.

Dear @Kal_Lam thank you for your reply this article may be useful when the eye button is working, but as you know, there is currently a blank page bug. In order to be able to delete a record, you need to press the eye button but the problem is that the eye icon is not working or in other word when I click it, a blank page opens. I wonder if there is another way to delete record without clicking the eye Icon. Kind regards

@anilgnydn, there seems to be another issue with our survey project. I am not able to see the check box as outlined in the support article.


Will reach you back soon.

Dear @Kal_Lam I don’t think it is a problem to not see the check boxes. The problem is when I click the eye icon, the priveiw page that should be opened does not open and therefore I cannot able to delete the record/s. Btw we can make the check boxes visible from the diplay option section.

Would you mind trying to make the check box visible as shown in the image below:


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Hello Dear @Kal_Lam its done please check.

You can select (tick) the cases you want to delete and then on top open the drop-down menu below selected … At the end of this menu you find delete.