How do i design a survey form to skip a question (that has to meet multiple criteria)?

Dear Kal,
I am facing problem in doing this.

My question is,

Age: …….
Education Status:

  1. School level 2. College Level 3. University level 4. Literate 5. Illiterate

Are you still going school/College?
(Case 1: ask if the age is in between 3yr-30ys)
Case 2: ask if the age is in between 3yr-30yrs and Education status is 1,2,3)

  1. Yes 2. No

If no, why you left education

  1. Due to fee
  2. Hard to study
  3. Due to office work
  4. Other

Thank you in Advance !!

Hi @Dibesh,

Welcome back to the community! You could design your survey form as outlined in the image below:

In the survey tab of your xlsform:

In the choices tab of your xlsform:
Image 2

Data Entry Form seen in Enketo (when the condition does not satisfy):

Data Entry Form seen in Enketo (when the condition satisfies):

Reference xlsform:
Sample Questionnaire.xls (27 KB)

Have a great day!