How to manage constraints on multiple lines?

bonsoir, je suis un débutant et je bute sur un problème. je doit contrôler le nombre de personne dormant sous moustiquaire par rapport au nombre de personne dans le ménage:
exple: si le ménage a 6 personnes , il a 4 couchette, il a 3 moustiquaires accrochées;
il faut que la sommes des enfants, femmes enceinte et autres des 3 moustiquaires ne depasse pas le nombre personnes dans le menage

Yranslation in english
Good evening, I’m a beginner and I’m stuck on a problem. I have to control the number of people sleeping under mosquito nets in relation to the number of people in the household:
exple: if the household has 6 people, it has 4 berth, it has 3 mosquito nets hung;
it is necessary that the sums of the children, pregnant women and others of the 3 mosquito nets do not exceed the number people in the household

Hi @faz,

Welcome to the community! Looking at your concern I would suggest you to design your xlsform in the survey tab as follows:

Thank you Kal_lam for ur response. But the issue is still there: the Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 are all for the same net, now i have more than 2 nets, somme househols has 2 ? some more thjan 3, some can have even 10.
as i do not know how many the house hold should get, i create i create like rooster variable whiche could be 2 , tree, four… the sum of all member whos sleep under all of the nets must be less or equal to house hold member.
thats is really my probleme