Inform users of the tool’s behaviours through interface signposts

Hi everyone!

Working a lot with the KOBO platform we thought about an improvement : inform users of the tool’s behaviours through interface signposts more.

We list some examples, but for a lot features it could be relevant

  • when redeploying a project, tell users what will happen with their previous data if they do not clone the project,
  • explain what sharing the projects with developers is for,
  • say when you want to share a project with collaborators that they need to write the full user name for it to be recognised,
  • explain why you want such detailed metadata information when a user creates a project/account now (ie asking for gender/age when creating account we find it inappropriate…)

We are using KOBO Humanitarian response

Increase informations will make KOBO more user friendly. Also it could avoid a lot of mistakes (as for redploying).

Thanks to think about it :smile: