Issue in uploading data (sending data to server)


We face issues when we send data to the Kobo server
WhatsApp Image 2022-09-05 at 14.16.01

Note: the username, password, and link are all correct, and when we use the form it sends new er forms it is working but the old forms are not sent.
Could you help us with this.

Thank you

Welcome back to the community, @slibee! Is this an issue with the Collect android app, or is it with Enketo?

Collect android app ,

Thanks for explaining it.

in the collect android app, this happens when you don’t have internet and send the forms, and when internet back you will face this error and you cant send the form could you help me on this please, and how I can get the forms or how I can get it from the app.

than you in advance

@slibee, is your server configuration OK?

Yes all new forms send

@slibee, is the project still deployed in your server? Sometimes, you happen to delete it from the server the submission fails when trying to submit to the server.

How I can get the forms from the the tablets. I dont want to lose the data

@slibee, could you kindly let us know on the following first before we proceed with workarounds:

The project still deployed

@slibee, which server are you on? A self-hosted or publicly hosted server (humanitarian/non-humanitarian server)?

humanitarian server

@slibee, could you check out the filled-up forms to see if there are any emojis? These emoji has been restricting users from submitting the data to the server.