Jr:choice-name not working when used inside repeat in Enketo

Hi, I want to reference labels (instead of values) from a preceding select_one. However, this does not work using jr:choice-name, see example XLSForm attached.
TEST_Questionnaire.xlsx (14.2 KB)

I found an old post on ODK that seems to indicate this is a bug.

Has KoBoToolbox fixed this in the meantime?

Hi @cgros, cc: @martijnr

Thank you for bringing this to the community. Kindly please be informed that the same works perfectly as it should in the Collect android app viz. KoBoCollect android app as well as the ODK Collect android app but does not work with Enketo.

Kindly please be informed that i have created a GitHub issue for the same and hence you could follow the development that takes place via the link attached below:

Have a great day!


Great, thanks for clarifying and picking this up so quickly and over to Github. Much appreciated!


Hi @cgros,

Kindly please be informed that KoBoToolbox has recently upgraded Enketo Express (for details please see the recent announcement here) which should solve the bug that you have reported.

FYR: Please see a screen shot as a reference that it now works.

Thank you for flagging the bug in the community and helping KoBoToolbox to be further better. Expecting the same in the upcoming days as well.

Have a great day!


Hello @Kal_Lam and @stephanealoo

I’m facing the same problem with my xlform using jr:choice-name with select multiple.
I do need your suport to identify the problem. I can view the form in enketo but not in editing mode
Supervision_Generale _MSI_OK_VF (1).xlsx (35.0 KB)

Welcome back to the community, @williamouchi! Would you mind trying to edit it in the Collect android app to see how it behaves?

Hello @Kal_Lam I tried but it’s showing an error message.