Kobo Forms & Pull data using briefcase


I’m new on Kobo and i was trying to make a form, and encrypt it, to encrypt the data.

I’m facing a problem when I tried to pull the data using “ODK Briefcase” I’ve tried the versions : v1.4.5 , v1.4.6 , v1.4.9 Production, and all of them gave me the same error …

What i did exactly :

1- Created a new form, and added 2 questions to it.

2- Downloaded the XLS file, headed to settings tab and added the following

submission_url : https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/bahrabd/submission

public_key : MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA4XjPbzFceO7XFjkt0NG/xsfKFQ9zRl4xhzHI39PXWZeM+Za11MfW2sN7gTgES8CCWqccGc2XXgDbqESFSdaLFIrpWUSChq1xvXnGRR/0IjYO6Q/AeJjv0aTJhAHQZVryRT72lmfS8BNPYy0A8WMbSBTdbr4zyOXoKejBSD5QTh8OmVLKV9+46in0aDiDZ8/0kAJqH0z2KOfMTDDu8TfYnxb+297XzIZzjuGQHfb1FlxhJlmQDa7CjpURB4fx3vm3wLCEP/ZID2mr5ADu5sliffoVUOMLU9h0ULO9FxJ1GniYe2ZAtaALy24CbZeJ+prJHWpWJHbGCV+yfQaGupZzywIDAQAB


3- Uploaded the XLS file to replace the old one.

4- Deployed the form.

5- Navigated to KoboCollect on Android, added the link on the app, and “get blank form”

6- Downloaded the form then i’ve submitted 3 answers.

7- I’ve opened the ODK Briefcase. and connected, and a list of the forms appeared.

8- When i click on Pull. I got the error :


Fetching form definition

resolving against briefcase form definitions

Error parsing form definition: org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKIncompleteSubmissionData: The data model does not have an id or xmlns attribute. Add an id=“your.domain.org:formId” attribute to the top-level instance data element of your form.

I’ve tried also to create a new blank form, and deployed it without encryption … and i got the same error.

Your help is highly appreciated.

All the best

Dear all,
Happy New Year!

Following up as I have the same issue while testing setting up encryption on Kobo.

After reading this post I’ve made sure that I respect the FormID guidelines explained here, but the problem might be linked to the fact that when you import your XLS form to Kobo it automatically overwrites the Settings tab, in particular:

  • removing the “form_ID” completely
  • overwriting the “version” (the formID guidelines of ODK mentions it has to be “a small 10-digit-or-less numeric string” and the one generated by Kobo in my case that overwrote mine is “vzD54LFSz9D3yJfdPZqcjU”)
    Hope this will help the Kobo team figure out the error and suggest a fix!

All the best,

Maeve (CartONG)


On Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 11:38:49 AM UTC+1, Bahr AbdUlrazzak wrote:


I’m new on Kobo and i was trying to make a form, and encrypt it, to encrypt the data.

I’m facing a problem when I tried to pull the data using “ODK Briefcase” I’ve tried the versions : v1.4.5 , v1.4.6 , v1.4.9 Production, and all of them gave me the same error …

What i did exactly :

1- Created a new form, and added 2 questions to it.

2- Downloaded the XLS file, headed to settings tab and added the following

submission_url : https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/bahrabd/submission

public_key : MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA4XjPbzFceO7XFjkt0NG/xsfKFQ9zRl4xhzHI39PXWZeM+Za11MfW2sN7gTgES8CCWqccGc2XXgDbqESFSdaLFIrpWUSChq1xvXnGRR/0IjYO6Q/AeJjv0aTJhAHQZVryRT72lmfS8BNPYy0A8WMbSBTdbr4zyOXoKejBSD5QTh8OmVLKV9+46in0aDiDZ8/0kAJqH0z2KOfMTDDu8TfYnxb+297XzIZzjuGQHfb1FlxhJlmQDa7CjpURB4fx3vm3wLCEP/ZID2mr5ADu5sliffoVUOMLU9h0ULO9FxJ1GniYe2ZAtaALy24CbZeJ+prJHWpWJHbGCV+yfQaGupZzywIDAQAB


3- Uploaded the XLS file to replace the old one.

4- Deployed the form.

5- Navigated to KoboCollect on Android, added the link on the app, and “get blank form”

6- Downloaded the form then i’ve submitted 3 answers.

7- I’ve opened the ODK Briefcase. and connected, and a list of the forms appeared.

8- When i click on Pull. I got the error :

Fetching form definition

resolving against briefcase form definitions

Error parsing form definition: org.opendatakit.aggregate.exception.ODKIncompleteSubmissionData: The data model does not have an id or xmlns attribute. Add an id=“your.domain.org:formId” attribute to the top-level instance data element of your form.

I’ve tried also to create a new blank form, and deployed it without encryption … and i got the same error.

Your help is highly appreciated.

All the best