KoBoCAT error 400

Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: {“detail”:“ODK Validate Errors:\n>> Something broke the parser. See above for a hint.\nError evaluating field ‘c1_001’: The problem was located in Relevant expression for ${c1_001}\nXPath evaluation: type mismatch \nThe second parameter to the selected() function must be in quotes (like ‘1’).\nCaused by: org.javarosa.xpath.XPathTypeMismatchException: The problem was located in Relevant expression for ${c1_001}\nXPath evaluation: type mismatch \nThe second parameter to the selected() function must be in quotes (like ‘1’).\n\t… 10 more\n\nResult: Invalid”}


Hi @fsimon23,

Could you share your xlsform so that someone from the community forum would help you figure out the problem.