Link to the image not working

Hi all,

I realized that the problem has persisted with me. Joining the data of the submissions with the data of the attachments shows information gaps. My colleagues are also using ODK Collect for submissions.

The same “image not found” message also appears on the webpage (DATA>Gallery), as mentioned by @calasj_eva and @Kal_Lam.

Hi @nnsdtr,

Could you kindly provide us the following information through a private message so that we could have a look at your issue:

  • Username
  • Project name

Have a great day!

Hi @nnsdtr,

Would you mind having a look at the post discussed previously (it should solve your issue):

Have a great day!

Hi, @Kal_Lam

Thank you for your response.

I’m gonna try the solution and get back to you.

But something keeps making me scratch my head. I’m downloading the submission data in JSON format via KPI. Separating the “_attachments” key information from the submissions, it really seems that there is no information for some media that have been taken. Could this be a KPI problem?

Hi @nnsdtr
Thank you so much. Could you please provide a clear description of the following problem that you have highlighted?


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Hi @stephanealoo

It is I who should be thanking you.
Thank you for your interest.

I’m gonna try to explain it as detailed and as better as I can, as english is not my native language. Please feel free to ask me questions.

So, I’ve downloaded the submission data via the link provided by the assets endpoint of the API v2. The link is the one provided in the data key and follows this pattern:{asset_uid}/data/. As mentioned in the KPI documentation, I’ve reinforced the data format to json with ?format=json.

After downloading the data, I’ve transformed the json results key into a table and compared the data present in the _attachments with the media data present in the columns from the form. To do this, I’ve separated the _attachments data from the form and gotten the basename from the links, i.e. the filenames. Also, I’ve gathered all the media names from the form into one single table. Finally, I’ve made a full join of the tables using the media name as key and this is the result:

It seems that _attachments is missing some photos.

Hi @nnsdtr
That clarification is quite informative. Normally the process is such that whenever a media/attachment is collected the form will automatically give it a name. Upon submission, the attachment/s are submitted alongside the form/s. In case the size of the attachment is too large, and the network connectivity is not so strong or is disrupted, there could be instances where the attachment is not uploaded. In these cases, when you download the data the attachments would not be available.

Given the above, I would like you to confirm the following:

  1. Is there a particular similarity on the files that are not in the attachments e.g. size of the files, place the data was collected (hint connectivity) etc.?
  2. Have you tried downloading all the attachments using any alternative approach?
  3. Can you see the media on the platform when you look for them?


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Thank you for giving a glimpse on why this is happening.

  1. It really seems to be a problem of connection. I’ve searched a pattern for the missing photos and all of them come from the same geographical location. Discussing with the enumerators, I discovered that this location is a well known “bad connection” place. This is the best hypothesis, but I have to eliminate the other possibilities to confirm.

  2. Tomorrow, I’m gonna try to download the media directly from the KoboToolbox platform. So I’ll let you know if I find something.

  3. I’m not yet able to check for the missing photos into the mobiles as the enumerators are still doing the field research and will be for a long time. But as soon as I have the information, I’ll check for a pattern and let you know.

Thank you!


Hi @nnsdtr
I am glad you were able to primarily narrow this to connectivity due to geographical issues. I would like to mark this as the main issue and await if you find any additional issues.


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