Making Rank Questions not Compulsory

in my questionnaire in Kobo, Ranking parameters are showing to be compulsory. E.g I have 10 choices (1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on) but want to keep number of choices optional. But here in my questionnaire all choices are compulsory? is there any solution?


Did you find an answer?
I am having same issue.

Hi @samlong,

Welcome to the community! Would you mind explaining your issue in detail so that we are able to provide a suitable solution (if it’s possible in KoBoToolbox).

Have a great day!

Thank you!
I created a ranking question and set the setting/mandatory response to No.
When you view the questionnaire it requires each rank choice as mandatory.
Exporting the form as xml the individual rank choices required are shown as ‘true’.
I changed the select-one rank choices from required as true to false.
Uploading the xml file back to kobo toolbox the question is now shown as a group of individual select questions rather than a ranked question.
So does not look as good back in kobo toolbox but the ranked questions are no longer mandatory.
thanks sam

Hi @samlong,

Yes, that is exactly how you make a mandatory question option. But could you also share with us the xlsform of the ranking question and the question that has been distorted. Would like to see it at our end.

Have a great day!

Hello @samlong,

See Kal_Lam, please:
could you also share with us the xlsform of the ranking question and the question that has been distorted”.