Media attachments zip file

Hi, i face a problem of empty data, when i downloading media attachments zip file. Any hep?

Welcome back to the community, @ayatabbas! Could you confirm that your survey projects has media files collected in it? If there are none, you will not be able to download any.

I’m using audit metadata, to track the time it takes for a data collector to collect an answer. so where i find the audit file?

So you mean you wish to download the audit information?

yes please.

Have you checked this on in your survey project?

Or, would you mind checking if this is on in your survey project?

Yeah, I checked it again.

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You mean you just checked (selected) it now?

No, I’m using xls file. It there from the beginning.

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@ayatabbas, so what was the mode of data collection your team followed? Was it through Collect android app or was it through Enketo?

Through enketo.

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OK, so here is the reason why you are not able to collect audit data. Try collecting your data through the Collect android app, and you should be able to capture the audit information. Kindly please be informed that Enketo at the moment does not support the audit features.

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Ok, I will try and feed you back.

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