New APP uploading problems

Ladies and gentlemen, have a good day. I tell you that since the APP was updated, there have been no uploads to the cloud of the forms made since 10/20/2021 in one of the ongoing projects, does anyone know what may be happening?

Processing: Recorte de impresión.pdf…

@Paspol, could you share with the community a screenshot of the error message you see? Maybe that would be helpful for the community to troubleshoot.

Hello, Kal.
We are working in the same project with @Paspol
After the KoboTool update, one of the two forms we published became unaccesible.

Adding to that question:
Last week some groups continued to fill forms, but couldn’t upload them. How can we save that information?

Problem solved, the permission of the generic operator user to upload forms had been disabled, thanks to all. :grinning: :selfie: :love_you_gesture:


Thank you for confirming @Paspol!

thanks you all


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