Not able to access my account

I changed my password but i have tried to login, i couldn’t. I have severally reset my password, i am still not able to log into my account.
Please help out.

Hi @rdrm_e,

Welcome back to the community! Kindly please be informed that there are two servers (HHI and the OCHA) for KoBoToolbox. If you have an account in one of the server and you try to open your account through the link for the other server, you are unable to login. Thus it’s important that you login with the right link.

For an HHI account, try login through this link

For an OCHA account, try login through this link

If you still have login issues with the link provided above, please let us know (by sending a mail at We shall reset your login password. But for this please reach us with the following information (from the email that you registered your KoBoToolbox user account):

  • Username
  • Server (HHI or OCHA)
  • Email ID

Have a great day!

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I am using the OCHA server and I logged in from same. It is still not working.
and I have emailed you already, but this is the instant reply sent.
KoBoToolbox has switched to community-based user support. If you have any questions about using our tools, please search our community forum and create a new post if your question hasn’t already been addressed. In addition to great dedicated support team, there are hundreds of experienced KoBo users answering questions at all hours of the day. Moving to public support also means everyone in the community benefits.

We are only able to respond to questions sent to this email address that are account specific or need private information shared:

  1. If you would like to delete your account please make sure you are sending an email from the same email address attached to your account, and specify the account name to be deleted.
  2. If you are unable to reset your password, make sure you are sending us a message from the same email account used when you registered for your account.

Because of the large number of requests and KoBoToolbox users we will only be able to respond to emailed questions relating to personal account issues. Thank you for your understanding! For all other questions, please post your question on the community forum.

Thank you,

The KoBoToolbox Team

Hi @rdrm_e,

Hope you have been able to login now!

Have a great day!

I have been able to login.
Thank you

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Hi Kal_Lam,
I again have trouble to log in, because i have forgotten my password.
Please help

Would you mind reaching us through (email) at with the email that you registered for the user account with the following information:

Server (HHI or OCHA)
Email ID (registered your KoBoToolbox user account)