Not able to deploy or re-deploy a form

I try to upload a form but I have the unable to deploy check your conection message. Even if I try with a form that has already been deployed or if I re-deploy one. I also have read many similar topics but I can’t find a solution.
Thanks for help

Hi @tancrede,

Welcome to the community! Could you kindly let us know the server (OCHA or HHI) you are using?

Have a great day!

I’m on

Hi @tancrede,

Kindly please be informed that it seems to be a self hosted instance of the KoBoToolbox. Would you mind reaching out to your administrator.

Also kindly please be informed that we directly support to 2 of our instances (viz. the HHI server and the OCHA server) hosted by KoBoToolbox.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

Have a great day!

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Thanks a lot for your help and your reactivity

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I’m facing the same problem on re-deploying my project. I am using

Is there anything I am not doing it right?

Thanks for the help.


Welcome back to the community, @kanuda! Would you mind validating your XLSForm through this online validator to see if any syntax issues are affecting the deployment?

Thank you @Kal_Lam, I have done that, it is error free. May be there is a limit in size of XlSFrom to be uploaded. If so what is the limit?

@kanuda, how many questions does your XLSForm have?

Dear @Kal_Lam there are 3548 questions. Thanks for caring.

@kanuda, what is the error messag you see? Could you share a screenshot of the error message with the community?

Thank you @Kal_Lam

@kanuda, are you also not able to upload the XLSForm as a new survey project instead of making redeployments?

@Kal_Lam, I tried to upload through a different account, it was successful but was unable to deploy.

@kanuda, as a quick check, maybe try removing the relevant column header and the constraint column header to see if that should enable you to deploy your XLSForm as a new project? Let me know what happens when you try this approach?

@Kal_Lam I have done that but the problem still persists.

OK, try breaking your survey into different small parts. One part should consist of approximately 300 - 400 questions.