Problem in submitting completed survey forms from a project whose forms have been deleted

This is my current experience. The form has been deleted on server but data already collected on the form, so ERROR (404) in submitting the form.

How do I retrieve data on the tablet.

Thank you


You can use the ODK briefcase to pull the data manually from tablet, Here is way to go about it. Remember you must have access to the ODK fold in all tablets used. Let me know how it goes.

You do not need to download anything on the tables, do the following using a pc or mac

First you need to download ODk briefcase :Download here

Please be aware that in order to run on your computer as intended, this program requires you to have Java Runtime Environment installed.

Since it is portable, you do not need to set this utility on your computer, as simply launching its executable grants you full access to its functions.

Once you execute, Locate pull menu on the Briefcase application , When you select Pull menu, you will see a drop down menu “Pull data from”, select “Munted androud sd card”. then you will be prompted to navigate to where the SD card is at…

Assuming you have saved all the instances folders from the tablet at 1 sd card.

all instances will be converted to a readable file of your chouse (.CSV) file. Export to a folder .


here is way to go about it. Remember you must have access to the ODK fold in all tablets used. Let me know how it goes…


Can you help with step by step of this doing?
How do I download ODK aggregate server to the tablets?

Yes, I have all the data saved on my phone using kobocollect.

Thank you

You do not need to download anything on the tables, do the following using a pc or mac

First you need to download ODk briefcase :Download here

Please be aware that in order to run on your computer as intended, this program requires you to have Java Runtime Environment installed.

Since it is portable, you do not need to set this utility on your computer, as simply launching its executable grants you full access to its functions.

Once you execute, Locate pull menu on the Briefcase application , When you select Pull menu, you will see a drop down menu “Pull data from”, select “Munted androud sd card”. then you will be prompted to navigate to where the SD card is at…

Assuming you have saved all the instances folders from the tablet at 1 sd card.

all instances will be converted to a readable file of your chouse (.CSV) file. Export to a folder .

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Hi @lugalikifoundation and @bernieseville
I have just edited your response and marked it as a solution to benefit other users. Thanks for the contribution.

@data13 could you confirm that this worked for you


I was able to access the from the memory -SD on the folder and got all the completed form in a folder called (instances) but the completed forms were in XML. I converted it online but each group/session in the one are showing in each tab and not as a single document. Is there anyway around this.

Thank you