Problems loading drafts

Still unsuccesfully trying to load drafts and access previously saved forms… My coordinator is presenting the same issue as before: Query Selector Undefined, mine says the following:

PLeaaseeee help!

Hi @analucia_espinoza, cc: @omaribilal,

Could you kindly provide me the following information (through a private message) so that i am able to look at your issue more closely:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Have a great day!

hello again ,
tow language , french, English,

Hi All,

When reviewing the xlsform of @analucia_espinoza, I have found that jr:choice-name() formula causes this issue but I couldn’t understand why.
When removing those questions or replace them with only the value, not the label you will be to edit the saved drafts.

Hope this may help to solve this issue.

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did you change the form version after the original submission? Esp. for the label related choices?

I supposed I haven’t, I don’t know how to do so… @wroos
Thank you @Ysr3322!! I tried it, and I can access drafts.
But I worry the most is that I can’t access the entries in the edit form… It gives me the same error as in drafts :’(!°
This is a huge problem…
Did you have any luck @Kal_Lam getting into the account? Pleeeeassseee!
Thank you in advance

Hello @analucia_espinoza
Meaning was. Did you deploy a new version of the empty form after some submissions. (Changes may no more be compatible with the previously submiited data structure.)
Kind regards

If Kobo is running Enketo 2.3.10+ it’s probably


No, I didn’t change anything in the data structure for a long time actually… @wroos

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Hi @analucia_espinoza
This is similar to the previous post I have responded to. We are looking into this and we should be able to respond to you as soon as possible. Apologies for any inconvenience.


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Thank you very much @stephanealoo! I just needed to inform the issue and know that it’s taken care of!



Hi @analucia_espinoza,

Have you redeployed the form after removing jr:choice-name() formula?

I have tested at my end and I could edit the submitted forms.
I advice you to try this but using new form as a pilot.

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Hello @Ysr3322! Yes, It works, the link it’s actually active, my problem is that those fields that I would have to erase are necessary for the resume that the form makes at the end…
If the problem persist I will have to take them out, but I hope they will find a solution soon…

Thank you :hugs:

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Hello just wondering if you got the chance to fix this issue on the server ,
my xls form depends on showing the choices label
waiting to hear back from you

It gets fixed when you eliminate the jr:choice-name that comes from a cascade select…, I couldn’t find an alternative and it’s not working yet!! This is very troublesome for me.
Do you think you can have a solution soon?

Pleeeease!! It’s been almost to weeks that I can’t edit entries or access drafts…

Hello @Kal_Lam and @stephanealoo is there an answer to this issue? I’ve been waiting for more than a month… This is really troublesome for me, I really need to use the jr:choice-name function, or something like that… Is there an alternative that can show the label of the selected option???
Pleeease, Are you working on this?
Remember I can’t get the label if it is from a cascade select, that wont let me get into the edit form or to edit drafts…

Hi @analucia_espinoza,

Unfortunately i have not heard back from the developers. Besides, it seems that the issue is still on as i do not see the issue being closed:

Apologies for the inconvenience caused!

@Kal_Lam Do you know if there is an alternative to jr:choice-name?

Maybe you could use the if condition under the calculation but that too would be complicated if you have a very long form.

same issue just happened with me.
My form was running fine, and submissions are coming in.
Only one particular submission, with nothing special in it (as far as I can see) load for a bit too long, making the respondent try to save it and open it again. That’s when it fails and gives this message.
I tried to replicate the issue with the same form but saving a draft and retrieving it and sending it worked fine.

p.s. I do have jr:choice-name in two repeat groups.