Problems when redeploying form

Estimada comunidad

Estoy teniendo problemas al reimplementar un formulario que ya tenia alojado en el servidor de Kobotoolbox para organizaciones, llevo toda la mañana tratando de subir nuevamente una nueva implementación con unos ajustes pero este al cargar el archivo Xls se queda pensando y no carga.

Me es urgente poder solucionar ¿Qué puede estar pasando?.

Agradezco su colaboración ya que nos encontramos en recolección.


@LuisB, could you also let us know the server you are using? If it’s the HHI server please be informed that we will fix the issue and let you know as soon as it is fixed.

Estimado @Kal_Lam

El servidor es de Investigadores, trabajadores humanitarios y todos los demás, al parecer se soluciono el impase o fue algo temporal acaba de dejarme cargar el formulario y reimplementarlo, estoy probando y funciona, ¿que pudo haber sido?

@LuisB, it was a server issue and has now been resolved. Thank you also for confirming.

Dear Kal_Lam, I have the same issue today when trying to upload/import an XLS form. Is this again a server issue? I am trying to import into but it will not accept any XLS form.


Dear Kal_Lam,
Now the server has such problems:

  • unable to load / update the form
  • it is not impossible to export (1 submission), but exporting through legacy works fine.


@DaanVelthausz, are you still having issues?

Welcome to the community, @K_a_tVOX! Are you still having issues?

Yes, unfortunately it still will not accept any XLS form to be uploaded

Everything was fine two hours ago - I added and deployed my projects normally.
But now the problem has arisen again.

Thank you for bringing this to the community. I tried and could replicate the issue. Will get back to you soon @DaanVelthausz.

Yes, could also replicate the issue @K_a_tVOX. Will get back to you when we resolve this.