Select Choices from an External File don't work

Hi everyone,

I implemented the survey() and pulldata() function in my form (mysurvey.xlsx) using an external file (surveyfile.csv)
however when I start my form (my survey) i have an error:

<label>node for itemset doesn't exist! [instance(surveyfile)/root/item/label]

I have looked at the other posts regarding this error on the forum and trying the solutions but this error on my form still persists.
how to correct this?
mysurvey.xlsx (10.2 KB)
surveyfile.csv (538 Bytes)

Thanks in advance.

Excuse my english.
Best Regards.

Welcome back to the community, @evariste! This is the issue (file format) I see in your CSV file:


Maybe this post discussed previously should help you fix the CSV file format:

How can data be aligned after extracting it from a CSV file?

How can data be aligned after extracting it from a CSV file?