Switch language by condition


Kindly is there a way to change the language by a condition related to a question answer,

Q1: Select your language

and based on the answer, the form language to be switched

@surveyhub, the best and preferred approach is as outlined in our support article Adding Another Language in the Project Dashboard and Adding Another Language to your XLSForm.

However, using the skip logic, you could still switch the language by selecting a language option within the survey form, as outlined in the image shared below. This approach could be tedious as you must manage more variables during data management and analysis.

In the survey tab of your XLSForm:

Image 1

In the choices tab of your XLSForm:

Image 2

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: when a language is not selected

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: when English language is selected

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: when Nepali language is selected

Reference XLSForm:

Language (Skipping).xls (34.5 KB)

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