Unable to deploy with pulldata under 'calculation' column

Dear all, i am facing issues during deploying of form with ‘pulldata’ calculation. I am getting the issue
‘your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:
Expecting value: line 2 column 1 (char 1)’.

Tried my best to resolve it with the help of ‘https://support.kobotoolbox.org/pull_data_kobotoolbox.html’ but somehow i may get something wrong. I very new in kobo.

I used below formula.


Kindly support.

Welcome to the community @aditya! Seems like your xlsform has a syntax error within it. Would you mind validating your xlsform with this online validator. It should help you identify the syntax error and upload your xlsform smoothly with the KoBoToolbox without any issue.

Thankyou very much @Kal_Lam. The issue is resolved now. Thanks again for sharing the validation tool link. :slightly_smiling_face:

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