Unable to login

Hello everyone I’m receiving server error (500) message when I try to login my account since 5 minutes in humanitarianresponse. server.

we are having the same problem

Can’t log in as well. Getting Server Error 5oo. Kindly assist

Same error I’m having

Similarly here - thank you for your assistance @Kal_Lam and the team! :slight_smile:

Still the users are unable to enter to the KoBo

i am also having the same issue, team kobo may you assist

I have the same problem. I am currently in the field & I am not able to follow the data collection process.
your help is highly appreciated
my user name is: esramahgoub91

Welcome to the community @Chilo, @esramahgoub91! @anilgnydn, @aamra, @Chilo, @sector, @tristihane, @tmakuni, @esramahgoub91 please be informed that the issue has been fixed and you should not see the Server Error (500).

Same issue still no fix to this…

iMessage on PC

Welcome to the community, @Keaton! Could you let us know the server you are using? I don’t have any issues with the HHI server as well as the OCHA server.

Hi everyone i also have the same problem, i could not login to KoBo since three days ago, kindly let me know if it’s fixed. Thank you!

Welcome to the community, @Adelinachandra! Could you also let us know the server you are using that has issues?