Upload of pre-populated forms?

If the headquarters is managing the sites where the interviews/observations will take place (and also decide which enumerator to link them to) – is it possible to push questionnaires with pre-populated sections (site-related information) to the devices of the enumerators? Or work KoBo Toolbox questionnaires 100% one way only: Enumerator starts with blank page and at some point saves (and sends off) the form?

Hi @york_rff,

Maybe you could do the same as outlined in the image below (as you should already have the enumerators name/area which could control the section to be filled):

In the survey tab of your xlsform:

In the choices tab of your xlsform:
Image 2

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: Section active for Enumerator A

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: Section active for Enumerator B

Reference xlsform:
Skipping Groups.xlsx (10.7 KB)

Have a great day!

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