Why does an Enketo Date field insist on 1970 no matter what other year is entered?

I have another question. Why does an Enketo Date field insist on 1970 no matter what other year is entered?

Please find attached a video clip of the Preview screen and the screenshots of the Question options screen and the corresponding XLS file row.

Kind regards,

Suha Ülgen

(Attachment None other but 1970.mov is missing)

(Attachment PastedGraphic-1.tiff is missing)

(Attachment PastedGraphic-2.tiff is missing)

None of the previous attachments are supported by your site. I am resending two of the attachments with supported file reformats except the video file which is not accepted by the site.

Here are a few screenshots off of the video which somewhat depicts what the problem is.

@Suha325, could you share the relevant part of the XLSForm so that the community could also do the testing?

Dear @Kal_Lam,

Please find attached the .xlsx file attached.


Suha Ülgen

Persistent 1970.xlsx (7.91 KB)

Dear @Kam_lam,

Did the community have an explanation for this behavior? I have not heard back from anyone.



Persistent 1970.xlsx (7.91 KB)

You substract to dates, resulting in a date type. This cannot directly be divided by a number, e.g. 365.
Using the (famous) search function of the forum, please, you can find several examples how to calculate an age: Search results for 'calculate age' - KoboToolbox Community Forum