Word limit in text response field in Kobo forms


Hi. My sincere apologies for resposning late.

Thank you for sharing. Will try using the mobile app. It was easier to use enketo forms on laptops for questions which need longer responses. so we were using them. Will definitely check using KoBoCollect app.


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Hello @jnm! How can I do this modification of the server?

Dear @analucia_espinoza,
maybe also have a look here?

Kind regards

Hi! I was there, but I couldn’t find that server modification :frowning: Anyway, We’re uploading a word document if there’s a really extensive description of the activity related in the form. Also, I looked up in our database and I couldn’t find any lost information after 256 characters. Some of the text responses are around 1200 characters and had no problem.

Thank you anyway! :sweat_smile:

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Hello everyone,

Limit as been increased on following servers:


Hi Kal,
This link is not working and I want to limit the text answer to 70 characters, any sample, please share us.

Hi @LeoM
Could you try this regex(., ‘^[a-bA-Z0-9\s]{1,70}$’)


Hi @LeoM,

Linking your other post here:

Style of input

Hi all,
I tried this text NameR A1. Name: क१. नाम: true regex(., ‘[2]{1,70}$’)

But also it is not working
I wish to do it as free input any text but not more than 70 characters including number and _,./? 22235445%&()
Style of input

  1. a-bA-Z0-9\s ↩︎

  2. a-bA-Z0-9\s ↩︎

Hi @LeoM,

Have you made a check with the one i have shared with you?

I didn’t see anything from you.

Try getting in to the post that i have shared.

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Thanks I got it.

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Hi Kal, I used the same ““regex(., ‘^[\D\d\s]{1,70}$’)”” in name field but it is not working for others really surprised.
Please view the attached xlsformnamw problem while using same regress.xlsx (36.1 KB)
Please check the command highlighted in red

Hi @LeoM,

I don’t see any issue with the name variable from your xlsform:


Or which is the question you are having issue? Please try to be specific so that we could identify the issue.

same Name question in Section E and F

I don’t see an issue there as well:


This screenshot is from Section E.

Interesting it is now working recently I sent you the picture it was not working you can see the picture above.
If I will start doing surveys and if the same problem will show off ?

Kindly please try the same thing as a new survey project to ensure (if it works or not).

Hi Kal,
I am not using server, I am logging in humanitarian response.