Automatic updates in PowerBI Pro from files linked to KOBO

Got it myself…sharing here for other non IT persons :joy:
It`s all working on my PowerBI Pro, I schedule my refresh of PowerBI datasets once every 24h.
It updates also my publish to web reports as well. Awesome!

No need for Gateway as KOBO and Excel on Onedrive are in the cloud.
It`s all about connecting using Get Data in PowerBI with right KOBO link, following this method
For Excel you use Get Data in PowerBI like this:

Besides that make sure your data credentials are all good in the PowerBI web
in case of KOBO U use your make sure your KOBO account login and password are there
in case of Excel U use your Business Onedrive account using the OAuth2

You can schedule refreshes as you want under PowerBI web/dataset/settings

Hope this helps!
If there is any other way of doing better - don`t hesitate pls
