Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsRead announcements from the KoBoToolbox team, release summaries, and stay in the loop on other important information.
User SupportSearch or post your user support related questions here to get help from the entire KoBo community, including dedicated support specialists, Please be mindful and do not share sensitive personal information here, such as collected data and account passwords.
Usability & FeedbackHow should new KoBoToolbox features work? How can we improve existing ones? We need your feedback!
Suggestion BoxWhat would you like KoBoToolbox to do in the future? How can we improve the tool? Think we’re missing a support article?
DevelopmentThe place for discussing code contributions for new features or improvements of existing KoBo features. This category is for mostly technical topics that are too general for GitHub issues.
Kobo On Your Own ServerThis category is dedicated entirely to questions and discussions related to installing and maintaining our full stack locally.
Job BoardPost or search for job listings directly related to KoBoToolbox development, data collection, and training. Please remember to follow our guidelines when using this category.
Support ArticleWe will be sharing with you our support articles through this category. In addition, we shall also be using this category where users could request a support article related to any KoBoToolbox features.