Building Follow-up Questions based on the previous answers

I need to set the follow up question in 2nd group which depends on the previous answer in 1st group. For eg:
Group 1:
q1. Do you provide “Service A” in you Organization?- Yes/No
q2. Which unit provide “Service A”?- In Multiple Choice if checked “Unit X
q3. Do you provide “Service B” in you Organization? - Yes/No
q4. Which unit provide “Service B”?- Multiple Choice In Multiple Choice if checked "Unit Y"
q5. Do you provide “Service C” in you Organization?- Yes/No
q6. Which unit provide “Service C”?- In Multiple Choice if checked "Unit X"

Group 2: Unit X overview
Who provides “Service A”?
Who Provides “Service C”?
—other similar question for Service A, C and other service checked in Group 1 under Unit X"

Group 3: Unit Y overview
Who provides “Service B”?
—other similar question for Service B and other service checked in Group 1 under Unit Y"

Is it possible to build form like this in KOBO?

@bishwashm, looking at your requirement, I feel like it should be doable through the skip logic as outlined in the support article Adding Skip Logic.

As a reference, you could also have a look at the post discussed previously:

Maybe this post should also help you better understand a multiple response question: