Calculate Member of Household Rooster Value with Source from Repeat and Non-repeat Question

Hi @Kal_Lam , would you mind to share your helpful thoughts on my issue? Thanks in advance

Will have a look at it and get back to you. But our community should also have some workarounds if anyone has already worked on a similar issue like this before.

Thanks @Kal_Lam for your respond. I have searched around similar this issue, but still not get the answer. I don’t know whether it’s about index repear Or using “jr…”


Thanks a lot.

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Thanks @Kal_Lam. However, I have searched around same issue, but still could not find the perfect answer. I don’t know whether it’s about index repeat Or using “jr…”


Will have a look at it and get back to you. But our community should also have some workarounds if anyone has already worked on a similar issue like this before. :slight_smile:

Thanks @Kal_Lam for your respond. I have searched around similar this issue, but still not get the answer. I don’t know whether it’s about index repeat Or using “jr…” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hello, Thanks @Kal_Lam for your respond. I have searched around similar this issue, but still not get the answer. I don’t know whether it’s about index repeat Or using “jr…”


Thanks @Kal_Lam for your reply.

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Much thanks to you for your input. Will view it and hit you up. In any case, our local area ought to likewise have some workarounds on the off chance that anybody has previously taken care of on a comparable problem like this previously.
Much obliged @Kal_Lam for your answer. I have looked through around comparative this issue, yet not find the solution. I don’t realize whether it’s about record repear Or utilizing "jr… "
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I found a solution to the problem at hand

CAREGIVER_BASELINE_vulnerability.xlsx (30.2 KB)

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@MohammedTaleb, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

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Hi @MohammedTaleb . Superb! Thank you


Much gratitude to you for your feedback. Will see it and hit you up. Regardless, our neighborhood to in like manner have some workarounds if anyone has recently dealt with on a similar issue like this beforehand.
Thankful @Kal_Lam for your response. I have glanced through around relative this issue, yet not track down the arrangement.

I enclosed the developed xls form and below is the formulation:
"Factor A: if pbr02=2 OR hdi09=0 OR hdi11=2
Factor B: if ((hdi10_1=1 OR hdi10_2=1 OR hdi10_3=1 OR hdi10_4=1 OR hdi10_5=1 OR hdi10_6=1) OR hed01=1
Factor C: if hed03a=0 OR hcd03b=12 OR hed03c=0 OR hcd01=1 OR hcd02=1
Vulnerable Children: if children experience at least 2 FACTOR
CAREGIVER_BASELINE_vulnerability.xlsx (29.5 KB)

Thanks for all kind support!
Best Regards,
The Linen House

Much gratitude to you for your feedback. Will see it and hit you up. Regardless, our neighborhood to moreover have some workarounds if anyone has recently dealt with on a tantamount issue like this beforehand.

Much gratitude to you for your feedback. Will see it and hit you up. Regardless, our neighborhood to moreover have some workarounds if anyone has recently dealt with on a tantamount issue like this beforehand.

@Mfateneza would appreciate it if you only made a single post for a single issue. This helps us to document all the discussions systematically. Please refer to the other post for your response query.

Thank you for reaching out and providing the necessary details. To generate a “Vulnerability” variable for each child in the Household Rooster (Repeated Group), we need to consider composite questions from both the repeated group and the household level.

Based on the provided formulation, we will calculate the factors A, B, and C for each child. If a child meets at least two factors, they will be classified as vulnerable.

To ensure separate data for children, we will filter the dataset to include only the children in the Household Rooster. Then, we’ll calculate the factors and determine vulnerability accordingly.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with.