Calculate of filtered figure

I ask a question to answer multiple options. If I select 3 options out of 5 then need to ask another question for each selected option. After that, I would like to calculate the sum of selected options.


I ask a question about what type of product was purchased last month: The answer may be Nut, Oil, Onion, Garlic, Rice. The response was: Oil, Onion, and Rice.

After this question found to ask the quantity of every selected product individually (here set a skip logic).

What can I do?

Welcome to the community, @mdmizanurrahman! You could do it as outlined in the post discussed previously:

Thanks @Kal_Lam for response. I think that I am not express my question clearly. I would like to say after choosing the multiple options I requested to enter the number (as per skip logic those you shared) then I would like to calculate the sum of those numbers. I gave a formula in the calculation field and worked in Enketo well but not working in-app.

@mdmizanurrahman, maybe you will need to explain your issue further.

Dear @Kal_Lam Please see the below query:

@mdmizanurrahman, maybe you will need to use the coalesce as outlined in the post discussed previously (that should solve your issue):

Thanks @Kal_Lam now working

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