Conditional responses in a group set to previous responses

Hello everyone, I come back to my previous email attached below; Can anyone help me solve the two problems I mentioned there?
cher@abel_g, mon problème est résolu; Merci. Seulement, quand je désagrège les emplois selon leur ancienneté, je suis obligé de calculer la somme avant d’intégrer dans la colonne “repeat_count” ${total_emplois_permanents}.
Est-il possible d’éviter cette partie du calcul du total ?
Dans le même ordre d’idées, que faire face aux réponses non quantifiées ? Je prends l’exemple de la même entreprise où on demande à l’enquêteur de lister les produits fabriqués par cette entreprise et dans le groupe il devra reprendre chaque produit avec les quantités annuelles produites et les ventes. Est-il possible d’automatiser la liste des produits dans le groupe par rapport à celui déjà établi hors du groupe ?

@tuumaprojectdata, could you make your query a bit clear? Could not understand your issue. Maybe the community should be able to help you out if you could simplify it and also provide additional details like screenshots, dummy questions and the calculation you wish to see, etc. that should backup your query.

Hello dear @Kal_Lam , to be more precise, I would like you to do surveys with small agricultural businesses and one of the questions is to list all the products and services of the company (see screenshot 1 below).

Subsequently, the interviewer will have to repeat through the repetition group (See capture 2)

each product and service by giving the different units of measurement, quantities and turnovers.
Now, I would like to automate the list of products and services in the group according to what the interviewer would have listed previously.

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@tuumaprojectdata, you could do it as outlined in the post discussed previously:

Hi @Kal_Lam thank you for your proposal, It works when a list of products and services is predefined in the form. In our case, it is a little difficult to establish a list of products in advance given the diversity of micro-enterprises and their sectors of activity. I would therefore like to leave this part to the investigator who will draw up the list manually according to the realities on the ground. Now, by doing so, can we configure at the group level so that the names of the products listed above appear automatically?

Hello @tuumaprojectdata,
to facilitate support, could you provide the related extract of your form, please. And screenshot/draft what you want to get.

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Hello @wroos, As shown in capture 1,

the products are listed in the same column and in the 2nd capture:

each product is listed with details on units of measure, quantities produced and turnover from sales .
Here is also an excerpt from my form
Extrait formulaire.xlsx (12.7 KB)

Hi @Kal_Lam, I tried your proposal but I encounter a problem; when we choose a single product, the elements of the group are displayed correctly, but when you go beyond a choice, in the group only 1st choice elements are displayed and the group is not repeated.
Can you help me?

@tuumaprojectdata, did you use the exact sample XLSForm shared in the post? That sample XLSForm should give you an idea of how it should be created?

Yes, that’s what I did; here is an extract of my form
Extrait Formulaire.xlsx (16.2 KB)
and here are the results in screenshots (1) products:

; (2) group details:

As you see in the captures, it is only the eggplants that appear

Hi @tuumaprojectdata,

In your survey sheet it seems you started a group instead of a repeat,

Can you change begin_group to begin_repeat and end_group to end_repeat and try again? Let’s see if that solves the issue.

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Ok I will try to see. I’ll get back to you later


Hi @hakan_cetinkaya, after integrating your proposal, the problem was solved. Thanks for your help


Hi @tuumaprojectdata, glad you solved it :slight_smile:

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