September 5, 2024, 5:25am
last-saved only works for each unique device, so, for example, you won’t be creating unique ID values across all devices.
I wonder if there is a way to combine something like auto-incrementing number (per device, as from your example), and then concatenate that with date and deviceid/collectid, for example, to create a unique identifier across all devices?
@janna , @segosal279 this post discussed previously should be able to help you get a unique id using both the last-saved
function and the concat
@jessicanon , maybe you could do it as outlined in the image shared below:
In the survey tab of your XLSForm:
[Image 1]
Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: When nothing is entered
[Image 2]
Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: When the name is entered
[Image 3]
Data entry screen as seen in Enketo: Now for other entries, you will not need to enter anything
[Image 4]
Reference XLSForm:
Last Saved.xlsx (10.0 KB)
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