Hi @pasteurlaos,
Regarding your queries:
KoBoToolbox is migrating all it’s support article to a new location hence there might be a broken link (for some of our articles). But kindly please be informed that we shall fix this soon. Besides, we would also appreciate if you could point it out in the community forum like you have done for this article.
You could share your xlsform and the csv file with the community and we would help identify and fix the issue for you.
The issue you are seeing here is a known issue and our developers are working on this to fix it. You get this when you have a select_one_from_file question type in an xlsform, upload them in the KoBoToolbox server and edit the survey form in the KoBoToolbox formbuilder UI. To avoid getting this, skip editing the survey project in the KoBoToolbox formbuilder UI. It should not affect your survey project with the select_one_from_file question type.
You could follow our forum post that should help you upload a csv file as discussed here:
Hope i was able to respond to your queries. Kindly please reach us back if there is anything missing.
Have a great day!