Download a submitted form using _uuid

I am trying to download a form that was already submitted. I would like to download it again by using its _uuid. The URL that I submitted looked like this:[FORM ID]?format=json&query={"_uuid":{"$eq":"9c777865-eb67-4ce0-8fcd-3dbff4ab15ba"}}

Although I got a server response of 200, the json string that I was supposed to get was empty.

I would like to know if what I wanted to do is possible and what is the correct syntax.



Hi @raffy_m, it is best to use the v2 API in general. Please try:{asset_uid}/data/?format=json&query={"_uuid":"9c777865-eb67-4ce0-8fcd-3dbff4ab15ba"}

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Hi @Josh . So sorry for the late reply but just confirming that this works, Thanks

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