Duplicated Records

Hello @ayatabbas,
Could you, please, provide a screenshot/extract for the duplicate cases, esp. meta data (start, end, …) and all _system variables, e.g. _uuid, _submission_time etc.
Pay attention to exclude personal/sensible data, please.

  • Do you have these duplicates also in XLSX download?
  • What do you use for data entry? Collect (KoBo, ODK) or Enketo?
  • Which Server?
  • Have any of these cases been edited on server level after submission? With bulk edit?
  • Have any of these cases been uploaded manually?
  • Do these cases have special characteristics, e.g. same device/user, specific time slot, failed submission before, bulk edit?

As you can see with the search function, unfortunately the problem happens sometimes.
Esp. see the hints from @jnm

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